Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day back

Today was my first day back to full time school at 28 years of age. What a change! I've been questioning my decision to quit my steady job, which I've held for nearly 5 years, and return to school. I've been miserable at my job for quite some time now, yearning for mental stimulation, which I found when i went back to finish my cegep degree to help me advance. But as the moment approached where I would need to quit my job and actually go, self-doubt and nerves set in. The verdict after my first day back, I am thrilled. Although it was only 2 classes you will say, I was enthralled by what my professors were saying, jotting down notes and connecting the new information with knowledge I already have. Wow. I am so happy. I know it will not all be smooth gliding during my next 7 years of schooling, but right now I am enjoying the moment. i do believe this is the best decision I have made in quite some time. Off to bed so I will be alert for class tomorrow :)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Teachning about blogs

Today is a test. This is simply to teach my mother how to create a blog..

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pop Culture Oral

A blog about blogs. I have chosen to do an oral for my English class on how blogs have impacted communication, and how this is portrayed in popular culture. Now I have the, what seems like insurmountable task of finding blogs that will fit with my thesis. With the blog revolution, there are over 8 million bloggers. I have to wade through this collection of online journals to find the ones that will suit my purpose. In the process, I thought why not create my own blog about this. I can use it to comment on pop culture in general as well, which can only be beneficial to the advancement in my class.

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